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It’s Time To Plan Your 2024/Q1 SMART Goals

Let’s Plan 2024 With Some SMART Goals!

If you’re like the majority of business owners, then you’re probably not quite sure what SMART goals are. And when people bring up having a five-year plan, your eyes might glaze over. Hell, even I struggle to keep up with them!

But 2024 is the year of more intentional success, right!?!?


SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

Each element of a SMART goal works together to create a roadmap towards success. Let’s go over what each means and an example to stir up the brain cells!

Why SMART Goals Are Important

Whether you’re doing project management or just running a coffee shop, you need SMART goals. In the corporate world, they’re called KPIs, which offer measurable goals that are slightly further than you think you can accomplish (but not impossible).

How do you know if you’ve reached a milestone? Social media can make it easy with a follower count, but how do you measure conversion rates? How do you strive for more if you haven’t defined what more even is?

a written list of SMART goals for the new year

SMART Goals, Defined


The Specificity Secret: Specificity is like turning on the GPS for your goals. Vague goals are like wandering in a forest without a map. Don’t get lost and be eaten by a rogue grizzly! Being specific gives you a clear direction and destination.

Example: Suppose you’re an aspiring photographer. A vague goal might be, “I want to be a better photographer.” A specific SMART goal would be, “I want to master portrait photography by taking a specialized course and practicing for 30 hours.”

This goal defines what improvement looks like and sets a clear path to achieve it.


The Measuring Magic: If you can’t measure it, how will you know you’ve achieved it? Measurable goals allow you to track your progress and stay motivated by celebrating small wins along the way.

Example: Consider a goal related to personal development, like reading more books. Instead of saying, “I want to read more,” frame it as “I aim to read 12 new books in a year, one each month.”

This not only makes your goal measurable but also breaks it down into smaller, more manageable targets.


The Achievability Angle: Goals should stretch your abilities but remain within reach. Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration, while achievable goals can boost your confidence and motivation.

Example: Dreaming of starting your own business? Rather than setting a daunting goal of “I will be a millionaire in one year,” start with “I will launch my online store and achieve my first sale within three months.”

This goal is challenging yet realistic, providing a strong foundation for future growth.


The Relevance Rule: Your goal should resonate with your values and long-term objectives. It’s like choosing a destination that you actually want to visit.

Example: If you’re passionate about environmental conservation, a relevant goal might be, “I will volunteer 100 hours this year with a local environmental organization.”

This goal not only aligns with your personal values but also contributes to a cause you deeply care about.


The Timeframe Technique: A goal without a deadline is just a wish. Time-bound goals create a sense of urgency and help you organize your efforts effectively.

Example: Want to improve your culinary skills? A time-bound goal could be, “I will learn and prepare 30 different recipes over the next six months.”

This not only specifies what you want to achieve but also gives you a clear timeline to work towards.

Final Thoughts

Remember, setting SMART goals is more than just a planning exercise; it’s about creating a vision for your life. You can use it in your personal life, too! Goals are important in life (I’m obsessed with them).

With each specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goal, you’re not just dreaming, you’re doing. Start with a single SMART goal, and watch as your dreams begin to take shape in the real world. Happy goal setting, and here’s to your success!

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