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5 Simple Ways To Elevate Your Brand

These days, now more than ever, it’s easy to start a business. Get an email, make a quick drag-and-drop website, print business cards…and wait. Then, when you finally get clients, it feels messy. Some of them might even drive you absolutely insane.

So how do you attract the right clients while feeling a bit more put together? Here are 5 simple ways to make your brand look a bit more elevated without breaking the bank.

Get An Official Email

Look, if you’re still using a [email protected] email, you’re looking a bit like an amateur. It’s easier than ever to have a branded email. I use Google Workspace to do mine and now it’s [email protected]. Costs me less than $30 a month to look a bit more profesh.

Get An Email Signature

This literally doesn’t have to look fancy (although your professionalism will soar with a really nice one), but at least add some additional contact info like your website and/or social media links.

Not sure where to make these? CANVA! I love Canva because it’s a versatile design program, but also has templates for pretty much anything.

Give your social media consistent branding

Not gonna lie—I struggle with this one. Social media is so difficult to keep up with. I try to dabble in all of it, but regardless of how I “dabble,” I try to keep things consistent. While I’ll never claim to be a social media expert, I do know that it can strengthen your brand to have consistency!

Create business processes

If you never hear me talk about business processes again, I’m dead. Because business processes are VITAL to scaling and succeeding with your company. Documenting everything you do to create repeatable outcomes for clients will not only save you time and emotional bandwidth (goodbye executive dysfunction!), but it will also make happier clients!

Invest in automation

Every business owner in the world spends an uncountable amount of time doing bullshit things. It could be emails or posting to social media every day. I know emails get me all the time!

But I use programs like Zapier or the automation capabilities of my CRM to save me time. It helps me with cross-posting on social media platforms or even sending the same emails to clients, the kinds that won’t change too much. I probably save about two hours a week doing these automations!

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