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8 Reasons Why Wordpress is Great for SEO

Here Are My Top Reasons Why WordPress Is Perfect For SEO

I’m obsessed with WordPress. I’ve been using it for years, ever since I started to take SEO seriously. Way back when I was on Showit. For years. Then they rolled out their one-page website format (I’m not sure if this is still a thing), and one-page websites are really not the best for SEO, especially nowadays. And when my rankings dropped, I realized I was going to be screwed.

So I jumped ship. I already had a blog on WordPress, so it was easy to shift. Then I had the insurmountable task of figuring out how to build one. Then I discovered AND fell in love with the Divi theme.

Now I build websites on Wordpress, and I feel really passionate about why Wordpress is great for SEO. Because I’m telling clients to consider the shift, I figure creating 12 reasons why WordPress is for SEO. So buckle in, and let’s get it going!

8 Reasons Why WordPress is Great for SEO

It’s User Friendly

Whether you’re using the Divi theme, Elementor theme, or any other kind, WordPress is built to be user-friendly. Plus, there is a seemingly endless supply of plugins. If you’re looking for a feature to add to your site, like quizzes or unique contact pages, I’m sure there’s a plugin for that.

Easy-to-Understand Meta Data

Whether you’re using Yoast, RankMath, or writing your own meta description, WordPress helps get the words out there to search engines. If you aren’t aware of what meta descriptions are, they’re the blurb of words by the search engine results. I don’t know about you, but I don’t often read those.

But Google does! And WordPress helps you with that!

Optimizing Images is Easy 

Plugins and more plugins! A popular plugin, WP-Optimize, can create a cache, minify code, and compress your images! It’s actually on this site too! Plus, when you load images into Wordpress, on the right side, you can actually edit images inside Wordpress, plus add alt text (another SEO trick). No plugin is required!

view from above is a woman sitting on the floor with her ipad looking at cupcake orders

WordPress is Mobile-Friendly! 

Years ago, Google demanded sites be mobile-friendly. WordPress listened, and so, thankfully, the majority of sites will be mobile-friendly. That does not mean they’re mobile-optimized—that’s on you and the site design—but if you build on WordPress, then you have a higher chance of looking good to the Google Gods.


It really is astonishing how many plugins there are out there. I’ve used them for SEO, to make quizzes, to create unique designs, and even to load unique fonts. A lot of them have paid features, but the vast majority still have free versions that are powerhouses.
And there’s something to be said about how dynamic a site can suddenly be!

Favorite WordPress Plugins

Yoast SEO

I’m currently testing out RankMath, but Yoast was good to me for years and is the most respected SEO plugin out there. The premium version is affordable and 100% worth it. You can do redirects of links, and have your page’s content tested for SEO best practices. Absolutely worth the money.

Updraft Plus

This plugin is a simple but amazing site backup. I’ve used it to immediately restore a website version if I suddenly really broke something. Rare, but that soft pillow to land on is amazing. AND IT’S FREE. I’ve used Updraft Plus in migrations, as well. Totally worth it.


I already mentioned this plugin, but it’s worth mentioning WP-Optimize again. You can control so many ranking factors of your site, like the cache, compress images—and even turn them into WebP files, which are faster than jpegs—and minify code, which takes out all of the excess bullshit to make everything faster.

a woman with her hair in a bun is taking a photo of a cake

More Reasons Why WordPress Rocks!

Great Security

While other website platforms can’t claim to be secure, WordPress is great for it! There are some fabulous plugins you can use that restrict failed login counts (hackers suck!), and even Malware plugins. The way you can protect yourself is endless!

Endless Customization

When I say endless, I mean endless. With the Divi theme, the amount of theme modules you can use that are so cool looking is phenomenal. WordPress has pre-installed themes when you first sign up, and there are hundreds you can buy online as well!

Built-In Blog

The best SEO thing you can do is make sure your blog and site are on the same “page.” With WordPress, you can have it all in the same plan. Your website is in the Pages section, while your blog is in the Posts section. With it all in the same place, it’s honestly one of the best things you can do for your SEO!

Conclusion to Why WordPress is Great for SEO

As you can see, I’m really passionate about WordPress for SEO. I’ve seen real magic happen for wedding vendors using WordPress and when they use the Divi theme, they can create such an eye-catching website worth bragging about. Of course, nothing is perfect, but there’s a reason why WordPress is in the top three of most-used website platforms!

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